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Theatre of Awakening

     with Agata Krajewska
Presence ~ Embodiment ~Expression

Where personal and collective meet in the ground of presence

Theatre of Awakening is a blend of self-discovery and creativity,

where performances are created from personal stories and inner experiences.

It is autobiographical theatre for well-being and awakening.


Through play, inquiry, presence and embodiment practices, we make space for our spontaneous creative expression to be revealed and received.


As we explore together, we come across parallels, mutual recognitions and emergent collective narratives. By working in this way we free up our self-images and beliefs, realizing our potential and the gifts we have to bring.

Agata shadow - Theatre of Awakening


Our bodies carry stories. As we play them out we are revealed to each other and ourselves and our well-being is restored. 

These courses are designed for facilitators, therapists, and creative practitioners to skill up, practice and develop.

Tap into the resource of archetypal energies within, using play and creative exploration.

We view peri-menopause and menopause as a life-changing transition, time of transformation and re-emergence with gifts.

Descent: Into the body. Into the lower psyche. Into stillness. Into darkness. Into the holding of the Earth. Into the Underworld where gifts are found.


"You came from non-existence into being.

How did it happen? Tell me about it!"



nature 3 - Theatre of Awakening


nature 4 - Theatre of Awakening
nature 2 - Theatre of Awakening
  • “Heroine’s Journey” - 9 Week Funded Course for Women 
    “Heroine’s Journey” - 9 Week Funded Course for Women 
    12 Sept 2024, 14:30 – 07 Nov 2024, 17:30
    Ashburton, North St, Ashburton, Newton Abbot TQ13, UK
    "When women are storytellers, the human story changes" (Elizabeth Lesser)  A series of eight weekly classes, culminating with intimate sharing to an invited audience. A funded course for local women who have overcome adversity, to explore their story of transformation as “Heroine’s Journey”.
  • Journey through the Archetypes and the Self
    Journey through the Archetypes and the Self
    28 Sept 2024, 10:30 – 18 Jan 2025, 17:30
    Ashburton, North St, Ashburton, Newton Abbot TQ13, UK
    Exploring 4 faces of the feminine and the paradox of being human through play, creativity and theatre. 5 months course for women.

Support Well-being Groups with Theatre of Awakening

Hi, we are Agata and Rooh from Theatre of Awakening


We run well-being groups for women, using theatre as a tool for healing and transformation.


We have worked extensively with women in peri-menopause and menopause and with women with physical and mental health challenges. 

Our work has been largely reliant on funding. Many of our participants can’t afford to pay the full fee needed to sustain the work. 

We seek support to keep offering our work to those who can't afford to pay full price, whilst our funding runs out this Autumn and we attempt to secure another funding bid.

Please click donate to find out more and support our GoFundMe Fundraiser.

Theatre of Awakening Fudraiser.webp

"There’s a vitality, an energy, a life-force that is translated through you into action, and because there’s only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and be lost."

Martha Graham