Holding Space/
Giving Your Gift

These courses are designed for facilitators, therapists, and creative practitioners to skill up, practice and develop. They offer a framework that is applicable to any discipline you are practising or intending to offer.
(In person & online)
Holding Space
We start from the presumption that we are already enough to offer your gifts and support our spontaneous unfolding and welcome.
The course combines group supervision, teaching on holding space, practice sessions and tending the ground that allows your gifts to organically emerge.
Learning areas:
Teaching from the embodied presence
Safety and Nervous System regulation
Supporting and reading the field
Boundaries and containers
Yin and Yang balance: coming forward/resting back
Inner authority
Relating with your sabotaging parts
Nurturing creative expression
Tools for workshops
You are met where you are as a space holder and guided in a way that supports your existing or developing practice; covering themes of inclusive leadership and the art of stepping out with your gifts.
You are invited to consciously explore the perspectives of participant and facilitator, learning in an experiential way and receiving benefits of being part of a group of peers.
You gain skills in designing workshops, holding a safe space, supporting a group process and individual unfolding.
The skills we are honing are relevant for all aspects of life in these times- to hold space for ourselves, our relationships and our communities.
Listen to Agata and Rooh talk about the theme and the course:
Bring your Gifts To Life​
It has been said by indigenous elders that when everybody embodies their unique gifts, the world will come into equilibrium. We will start from the presumption that we are already enough to offer your gifts and support our spontaneous unfolding and welcome.
The gift we have is our innate Soul-nature. It has been given to us and it’s not ours to withhold. Yet, in the giving of it every wound of “not enough” can be touched. If we engage with it, it will bring us home to our belonging; to the universal benevolence of life.
This work is for those who long to share their gifts in their unique and natural ways, against the grain of mainstream pressure to exhort effort and push beyond your limits.
Themes we will explore:
Life as a creative act
Aligning with your Gift/Soul purpose
The dynamic of coming forward and resting back (Yin Yang of giving your gift)
Connecting service with joy and resourcefulness
Celebrating self and other
Being received, welcomed and valued
Clearing out the pipes for life to flow through you
Being part of the group of peers on the same journey
On-going support and accountability
Safe space to practice your discipline
Home tasks, opportunity to integrate the work with your life
Space for your individual inquiries and group supervision
Google drive to share and receive resources
Individual sessions available at a discount